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Where the Hospitality and Culinary Communities Come Together

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As part of our mission, the Culinary Arts Organization®™ has created a platform to allow distinguished chefs to share information, knowledge, and experience to allow everybody to reach their full potential.

Members are encouraged to organize events in cooperation with us which will provide great networking opportunities.

All the latest news, view, and stories from our industry are published in our newsletter to keep all members up-to-date with new releases, opportunities, projects, and more.


Members of the Culinary Arts Organization®™ enjoy access to a great wealth of information, knowledge, techniques, and the latest industry trends that keep would serve as a backbone for improvement and advancement within the professional career path. Online courses, articles, and videos are provided to all members free of charge.

Members also get preferential rates for on-site training that are announced regularly in different specialties: Food, Pastry, Chocolate, and Bakery. The Culinary Arts Organization®™ offers different levels of courses within each specialty. 


Members who complete on-site courses receive An Approved and Accredited Certificate.

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